The Lens: Where do stand on the “like” meter for “It’s a Wonderful Life?” For the last many years, The Stanford Theatre, a classic movie theater in Palo Alto, CA, has shown the movie on Christmas Eve. The theatre seats…

Life Is Messy
The Lens: My husband was out for the evening last night leaving my son and me on our own. When my son and I have the evening to ourselves, we usually opt to do things my husband wouldn’t want to…

For Every Action . . .
The Lens: I got a text this morning about 6:30am from a gal pal with the news Senator Diane Feinstein had died. To native San Franciscans, this is more than news. It is personal. Many of us remember the shocking…

Lost Conversations
The Lens: Everything in this blog is my own work . . . with the exception of the above picture. It is of mother and is my favorite picture of her. There is another picture of her in the same…

Roscoe Car Wax Method
Roscoe Car Wax Method The Lens: My car, a RAV4, hasn’t been washed in ages. Just ask my husband. He keeps telling me how dirty it is. I have never been one to keep up with the care of my…

It’s Never Been About the Space
The Lens: Years ago, we planned a vacation with some friends. There would be seven of us all together – four adults, our two children and their one child. When looking for a house to rent, we decided on a…

Amateur Analyzation
The Lens: A while back, I read an article about someone who started tracking her dreams. She said it gave her insight into her life, how she was feeling, understanding her worries, etc. This really intrigued me. I have a…

Mother’s Day
The Lens: When my mom died, a coworker gave me a card. In it she wrote something to the effect of losing your mom and the responsibility of the matriarchal torch being passed on to the next generation. That really…

The Lens: I am a teacher in a Catholic elementary school and recently attended an in-service. Because of the size of the in-service, the venue had to accommodate a couple hundred teachers. Not that many schools in our diocese can…