The Lens: I listen to music all of the time. I am not big on silence, especially when I am driving. Ever try driving around San Francisco? In addition, to filling the silence, it calms my nerves. If you haven’t…
Do Something Beautiful
The Lens: Many years ago, I somehow managed to become the traffic lady at my son’s elementary school. I’ll tell you, that was one crappy job – especially in the beginning when we were trying to establish traffic protocols. It…
Patience Is a Virtue II
The Lens: I posted “Patience Is a Virtue” four months ago. The world had changed eight months before. Actually, I guess it changed a few months before that. We were just a little slow to catch on to the gravity…
Saints and Sinners
The Lens: The San Francisco Board of Education has become a national laughing stock. As a native, I am used to the idea people have of everyone from San Francisco being a crazy liberal. I used to consider myself on…
Remote Control
The Lens: Last weekend, I was parked in my usual spot in the living room. My son was sitting in the chair next to me. I don’t particularly like silence. I am not a daytime TV watcher, so most of…
Stand On Your Own Two Feet
The Lens: What disaster “territory” do you live in? As a San Franciscan, I live in earthquake territory. As such, I am prepared for a sizable quake – somewhat. Being a native in this city, you’d think I’d have a…
Doing the Right Thing
The Lens: The Magnificent Seven. This last week, seven Republican Senators had the nerve to vote contrary to the popular stance of their party. It was a remarkable crossover, the most bipartisan impeachment vote in history. For some, it was…
What the Heck Is That?
The Lens: Funny how the memory works. One memory leads to another, and another, and so on. I read an article recently about aging and forgetfulness, of particular interest as I get older. There was good news in the article.…
Go All the Way
The Lens: I feel the need for some levity these days. While things are improving, I still find the pure levity I used to enjoy elusive. So, I did a bit more reading of my past writings when my sense…