Welcome to The Refracting Lens and Liz’s Luncheonette!
This website began as “The Refracting Lens.” It was created to present a stream of consciousness, disquiet, a new perspective. Often in this blog you will see “but, I digress.” That is the impetus of “The Refracting Lens.” One thought leads to another and, at times, leading to a completely different thought all together . . . or leading full circle back to the start. Ideas are put forth (The Lens) then refracted into a new perspective (The Refraction). These posts can be accessed on “The Refracting Lens” page.
Recently added to this blog is new page, “Liz’s Luncheonette.” While both blogs strive to present something to think about, Liz’s Luncheonette is devoted to igniting or reigniting our compassion and care for the well-being of others. These posts can be found on the “Liz’s Luncheonette” page.